
Your profiles


Team size

Please include all the current full-time staffs

Business development
Operations/ others

Educations and industry experiences of manegement team

Number of directors/managers with those attributes below, as of the end of the year

Major_computer sciences
Management roles in previous companies
Serial entrepreneur
Same industry experiences as current startup

Number of people in management team who have computer sciences degrees

Number of people in management team who have Ph.D

Number of people in management team who have MBA

Number of people in management team who have management experiences in previous companies

Number of people in management team who have founded other startups before

Number of people in management team who have worked in same industry

Business model

If the company provides more than one business, please answer about the core business

B2CB2BP2P, MarketplaceOthers

Selling products or providing service to individual consumers

Selling products or providing service to corporations

Providing platforms for individuals or corporations

Please describe the business model if none of the above apply to your business model

Pricing structures

If the service has more than one pricing structures, please select all the answers that apply

Regular fee (Subscription model)CommissionPurchase of things/ Outright purchaseFreeOthers

Fixed monthly or annual fee

Certain % of customers' purchase price is going to be the revenue

Whole customers' purchase price is going to be the revenue

Please describe the pricing structure if none of the above apply to your pricing structure

# of active clients or customers

Active client/customer: Paying regular fee or using the service more than once a month

Business client

Monthly churn rate of active clients or customers

Gross churn rate,1-[Remaining active customer at the end of the month]/[Active customer at the beginning of the month]
If your company's business is not subscription model, leave the pace blank

Business client%

# of company alliances, at the end of the year

The companies with which your company has signed contracts to cooperate

Upstream alliances (R&D alliances)
Horizontal alliances (Operational alliances)
Downstream alliances (Marketing/sales alliances)

Latest Balance Sheet items

The latest Balance Sheet data available

Total Current Assets
Trade Creditors
Total Current Liabilities
Trade Debtors

Fundraising from venture capitals (excluding angel-only rounds)

If your company hasn't received any fundings from VCs, leave the spaces blank

1st funding round_date//
1st funding round_raised amount_currency
1st funding round_raised amount
1st funding round_# of VCs
1st funding round_VC1
1st funding round_VC2
1st funding round_VC3
2nd funding round_date//
2nd funding round_raised amount_currency
2nd funding round_raised amount
2nd funding round_# of VCs
2nd funding round_VC1
2nd funding round_VC2
2nd funding round_VC3
3rd funding round_date//
3rd funding round_raised amount_currency
3rd funding round_raised amount
3rd funding round_# of VCs
3rd funding round_VC1
3rd funding round_VC2
3rd funding round_VC3
# of failed funding rounds invested by VCs/Corporate ventures